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Aging + Eldercare

  1. Chattanooga Veterans Center (VA) 

    1. 423-855-6570 

    2. 1300 Premier Drive Suite 180 Chattanooga, TN 37421 

    3. Mon-Fri. 8-4:30 

    4. Veterans Primary Care, Dental, Audiology, Podiatry, Cardiology, Laboratory, X- Ray, EKG, CT, & Ultrasound 

  2. Chattanooga State Dental Clinic+ 

    1. 423-697-4488 

    2. Mon-Fri. 8-5 

    3. For appointments email open to any one as greatly reduced cost free for under 13 & veterans 

    4. Preventative Dental Care: Cleanings, X-Rays, Sealants

  3. Cherokee Health Systems 

    1. 423-266-4588 

    2. 5600 Brainerd Rd, Suite A4 

    3. Mon. 8-6:30 Tues-Thurs. 8-5 Fri. 7:30-5 

    4. Accepts TennCare & offers sliding scale for uninsured Primary Care & Behavioral Health; Offers sliding scale, payments discounts, and similar benefits to people who don't have insurance or who have limited income

  4. Hamilton Co. Health Dept. 

    1. 423-209-8383 

    2. 921 E. 3rd St. Mon, Wed, Fri. 8-4 Tues. 8-6; Thurs. 9-4 

    3. Accepts TennCare & offers sliding scale for uninsured Pediatric & Adult health care; Immunizations; Pediatric Dentist, WIC 

  5. Project ACCESS 

    1. 423-826-0269 

    2. 1917 East Third Street Hamilton County for at least 90 days 

    3. Mon-Thurs. 8:30am - 5pm Fri. 8:30 am -4pm 

    4. Not eligible for insurance; below 150% poverty line Referral Network for uninsured needing medical care - must be referred by community clinic

  6. Volunteers in Medicine 

    1. 423-855-8220 

    2. 5705 Marlin Rd. Suite 1400 

    3. Hamilton County resident for at least 90 days 

    4. Mon-Wed. by appointment only 

    5. Below 200% poverty line. Age 19-64. Uninsured. Preventative and acute care. Management of some chronic medical conditions. Health maintenance. Specialty referral. Health Education. Nutrition and Dietary Counseling. Physical Therapy Prescription Drug Assistance. 


  1. SE TN Area Agency on Aging & Disability 

    1. 423-424-4256, 1-866- 836-6678 

    2. 1000 Riverfront Parkway Southeast TN {including Hamilton County} 

    3. Over 60 or under 21 with disability Group & Delivered Meals; Homemaker Services; Rides; Senior Centers

  2. TN Adult Protective Services 

    1. 888-277-8366 

    2. 5600 Brainerd Road Suite 602-A 

    3. All of TN - will refer by county 

    4. 8am-4:30pm 

    5. over 18 and unable to care for self Case management, abuse investigation, referral

  3. Community Case Mgmt and Elder Services, Partnership FCA 

    1. 423-755-2870 Hamilton Co., NW Georgia or NE Alabama 

    2. Age 60 or older, or 18-59 with a disability Home visits, case management, help with government benefits and paperwork, etc.

  4. Collaborative Response to Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse (CREVAA)

    1.  423-424-4256 

    2. 502 Deaderick Street, 9th Floor Nashville, TN 37243 

    3. All of TN- will refer by county N/A 60 and Over, Vulnerable adults 18-59, and Victim of a crime Emergency Assistance, Personal Care Services, Homemaker Services, Food, Clothing, Transportation, Durable Medical Equipment, Home Repairs (related to the crime), Emergency Housing 

  5. Help4TN 

    1. 844-435-7486 

    2. TN residents 60 and over adults needing legal help or with legal questions Help filing legal documents, landlord tenant rights, will, etc. 

  6. Good Neighbors 

    1. 423-266-1772 

    2. 737 E. 10th St. 

    3. Elderly or disabled Light Housekeeping, Laundry & Ironing Assistance, Take Out Garbage, Change Linens, Make Beds, Dust Furniture, Errands (drop off/pick up cleaning, grocery shopping, pick up prescriptions, etc.), Assist with utilizing medical care, Meals/food preparation, Home management

  7. Local City of Chatt Community Centers 

    1. Various; Call City of Chattanooga Dept. of Community Development, ask for Community Centers Recreational, educational, and social programs for Chattanooga Area seniors

  8. South Chattanooga Community Center 

    1. (423) 643-6810 

    2. 1151 W 40th St, Chattanooga, TN 37409 10 AM, 

    3. M-F for Pickleball Other Seniors-Friendly Activities: 9 AM - 3 PM, M-F Senior Pickleball League, and 


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