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Health + Dental services

  1. Chattanooga Veterans Center (VA) 

    1. 423-893-6500 

      1. 6098 Debra Road 

      2. Mon-Fri. 8-4:30 

      3. Veterans Primary Care, Dental, Audiology, Podiatry, Cardiology, Laboratory, X- Ray, EKG, CT, & Ultrasound 

  2. Cherokee Health Systems 

    1. 423-266-4588; for appointments, call 1-866-231- 4477 

    2. Eastgate Town Center, Brainerd -- 5600 Brainerd Rd, Suite A4 

    3. Mon. 8-6:30 Tues-Thurs. 8-5 Fri. 7:30-5 

    4. Accepts TennCare & offers sliding scale for uninsured Primary Care & Behavioral Health 

  3. Clinica Medicos 

    1. 423-760-4000 1300 

    2. E. 23rd Street 

    3. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. 8:30-5 Wed. 8:30-12 Sat. 9-4; Sun. 12-4 

    4. Provides care regardless of insurance or status Medical Care in Spanish: pediatrics, ultrasound, x-rays, vaccines, physicals, injuries

  4. Hamilton Co. Health Dept. 

    1. 423-209-6010 

    2. 921 E. 3rd St. Mon, Wed, Fri. 8-4 Tues. 8-6; Thurs. 9-4 

    3. Accepts TennCare & offers sliding scale for uninsured Pediatric & Adult health care; Immunizations; Pediatric Dentist

  5. Homeless Health Care Center 

    1. 423-265-5708 

    2. 730 E 11th St, 37403 

    3. Mon-Fri. 7:30-4:30 Wed- closed 2 to 3:30 

    4. Homeless Walk-Ins only All Ages Immunizations, Routine Exams, Illness treatment & meds, Case Management 

  6. A Step Ahead 

    1. 423-265-7837 

    2. 850 Market St Suite 228 South East TN 

    3. Free short and long term birth control. They offer transportation, services, and the BC all for free. 

  7. Chattanooga State Dental Clinic 

    1. 423-697-4488 

    2. Mon-Fri. 8-5 

    3. Open to any one as greatly reduced cost free for under 13 & veterans Preventative Dental Care: Cleanings, X-Rays, Sealants

  8. Hope for the Inner City 

    1. 423-698-3178 

    2. 1800 Roanoke Ave 

    3. Available on Website: https: // Dental and Vision clinics

  9. Life Spring Community Health Clinic 

    1. 423-624-4846 

    2. 2507 McCallie Ave 

    3. Mon & Thurs. 8:45-5 Tues & Wed. 8:45-4 Fri. 8:45-3 

    4. Call office for appointment Accepts most insurance including TNCare and sliding scale for uninsured Pediatric Care (birth to 21yo) Community Health Physicals & Vaccines  

  10. Optimal Health Center 

    1. 423-541-2073 

    2. 3300 Wilcox Boulevard 

    3. Mon-Thurs. 8-6 Fri. 8-4 Accept TennCare Well Visits, PreNatal Care, School Physicals

  11.  Project ACCESS 

    1. 423-826-0269 

    2. 1917 East Third Street 

    3. Resident of Hamilton County for at least 90 days

    4.  Not eligible for insurance; below 150% poverty line Referral Network for uninsured needing medical care 

  12.  Volunteers in Medicine 

    1. 423-855-8220 

    2. 5705 Marlin Rd. 

    3. Must be resident of Hamilton County for at least 90 days 

    4. Mon-Thurs. 9-4 by appointment only 

    5. Below 200% poverty line 

    6. Primary & Preventative

  13.  Northside Neighborhood House 

    1. Main: 267-2217 

    2. 211 Minor Street 

    3. Northwest Hamilton Co. - North Chatt, Red Bank, Hixson, Soddy, Sale Creek (37405, 37415, 37343, 37351, 37379, 37373, 37304)

    4.  Call to schedule apt. 

    5. Prescription help 


  1. Aids Hotline 

    1. 423-267-2437

  2. Channels of Love Ministry 

    1. 423-756-4673 

    2. 1026 McCallie Ave

    3. HIV Support, Case Management, Food & Financial Assistance

  3. CEMPA 

    1. 423-265-2273 

    2. 1000 East 3rd Street, Suite 300 

    3. Mon, Wed, Thurs. 8-5 Tues. 8-6 Fri. 8-12 

    4. Adults with HIV Free HIV/STD testing; physicals; immunizations

  4. Choice Health Network 

    1. 423-803-2580 

    2. 1212 McCallie Avenue, Suite 150 

    3. Mon-Fri. 8-5 

    4. Adults with HIV Medical Case Management; Referrals to services within network

  5. Hamilton Co. Health Department STD Clinic 

    1. 423-209-8250 921 

    2. E. 3rd Street, West Wing- 1st Floor 

    3. Mon-Wed, Fri. 8-4 Thurs. 9-4 

    4. TennCare- free TN Resident- $20 charge Testing and Treatment 

  6. The Home Place 

    1. 423-495-7282 

    2. 5720 Uptain Road 

    3. Mon-Fri. 8-4 

    4. Homeless or At-Risk Adults with HIV; single; drug-free Transitional apartment style housing

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